Tommy Strömberg

ID:I Galleri presenterar

Tommy Strömberg

11.1 – 27.1 2013

Vernissage fredag 11 januari 17–20

Öppet ons–fre 12–18
lör–sön 12–16

Ingen återvändo © Tommy Strömberg 2012

I Tommy Strömbergs målningar finns ingen privilegierad plats för den oundvikliga upplösningen av vårt fysiska väsen. Inför hotet försöker vi utplåna vår djupa rädsla, det genererar en enorm energi, vår kamp att konstruera livet, göra det begripligt.

När Tommy Strömberg beskriver hotet får jag, i avsaknaden av det sammanflätade alltet vi förenas i, börja söka efter det helande i de vackert målade verken och välavvägda färgtonerna.

Här börjar en kommunikation mellan mig och verket.

Anneli Nise 2013

Johanna Schartau

ID:I Galleri




Johanna Schartau

16.11 – 2.12 2012

Konstnärssamtal onsdag 28 november kl 18.30


Johan, jag, mamma, indianflätor© Johanna Schartau 2012

The 1918 painting titled ”Från Ramsele” by Eric Hallström plays a significant role in the artist Johanna Schartau’s life. As a child, this picture hung in the house where she grew up.

Now many years later, the work no longer belongs to her family, yet she resurrects it from her past and displays it in the space of ID:I galleri as a nostalgic symbol. In parallel, she also presents a selection of photographs which capture moments of her and her brother Johan’s childhood; Hallström’s painting is in the background.

Family history is an important theme in Schartau’s artistic practice and within this exhibition she explores how our heritage and the environment in which we grow and mature affects and shapes our identities. These themes are often examined through scientific research about twins. Schartau creates an installation that is in many ways like an investigation as she presents the viewer with evidence about her life and the images, texts and themes which emerge are important clues for discovering the truth that is hidden amongst the works.

Johanna Schartau will also have a new series of work on display in a group exhibition at Vallentuna’s new Culture House opening on Saturday 17 November.

© Johanna Schartau 2012

Gunnar Söder

ID:I Galleri



26.10 – 11.11 2012

Vernissage 26 oktober 17–21



Kommande utställningar på ID:I galleri:

16.11 – 2.12 2012
Johanna Schartau
Vernissage 16.11 kl 17–20


Design Hall Telefonplan:
UnTied Notions
ID:I—Independent gallery since 2002


Andra konstnärsdrivna gallerier på östra Södermalm:
Studio 44
Tegen 2

Cristian Rieloff och Arni Gudmundsson

ID:I Galleri presenterar

Cristian Rieloff och Arni Gudmundsson

Ten Small Moralistic Anecdotes

5.10 – 21.10 2012
Vernissage 5 oktober 17–22

Varmt välkomna!

Ten Small Moralistic Anecdotes

We took the 10 Biblical commandments and visually updated them. These are 10 rules written for men, by men. They are commandments about how men should live their lives. Such a male bias made us want to investigate what modern masculinity is all about.

We are two men looking at our lives today. What is our history? How are we supposed to act? What did we miss? What do we deserve? How will we influence the future? What traces will we leave behind?
Will we ever be free from commandments?

We welcome you to the opening:

IDI gallery, Tjärhovsgatan 19 on

Friday the 5th of October, time from

17:00 and 22:00

Cristian Rieloff and Arni Gudmundsson

Kommande utställningar på ID:I galleri:

26.10-11.11 2012
Gunnar Söder
Vernissage 5.10 kl 17–20


Design Hall Telefonplan:
UnTied Notions
ID:I—Independent gallery since 2002


Andra konstnärsdrivna gallerier på östra Södermalm:
Studio 44
Tegen 2

Petri Junttila

ID:I Galleri presenterar

Petri Junttila
14.9 – 30.9 2012
Vernissage 14 september 17–20

Varmt välkomna!

Petri Junttila


Kommande utställningar på ID:I galleri:
Cristian Rieloff och Arni Gudmundsson
5.10 – 21.10 2012
Vernissage 5.10 kl 17–20


Andra konstnärsdrivna gallerier på östra Södermalm:
Studio 44
Tegen 2
