

Utställningen pågår 16 – 25 april 2021

The landscape issue needs a metric of its rhythms”

A hegemonic culture does not question itself, it ends up generating fixed narratives and solid images that are presented as the only valid option. However, a culture that is undermined by it tends to be constantly reviewed and questioned in its own territory, it winds up being more liquid and the fact that it survives is in itself a success. This is what happens in the relationship between Galicia and Spain. This power relationship is reflected both in the lives of its inhabitants and in its landscapes, which are often also its livelihood.  It is tremendously complex to try to extract a descriptive picture of the environment of a Galician village. They are hybrid spaces, with many contrasts, they are the periphery within the periphery.

In this way, the landscape works here as an economic engine of an impoverished region and, at the same time, as a living part of its culture. I believe that within this analysis there is a connection between the local and particular of Galicia and certain global aspects at the level of economy and functioning of natural environments.I am thinking, for example, of how the cyclical acts both in the life dynamics of the landscape and in the professions that are dedicated to it and that end up passing from generation to generation; in the relationship that occurs between a geological, planetary or seasonal time and another shorter and more human one, with a less universal but still historical and cultural sense.

This fascinates me, I am really interested in all the possibilities that the analysis of the mechanisms of representation of these landscapes and their processes opens up. I think many questions arise when contrasting a scientific representation based on fixed data, which we presuppose as something technical and objective, with the idea of the landscape as a kind of sediment that is transmitted and recreated collectively through different generations within the same identity feeling.

I do not seek to reflect a place in an image, I am more concerned with being a kind of connector between two existing ways of approaching that place: one more popular and the other more scientific, to show the contrast between the two and question them. To understand the circular process of the symbolisation of the landscape (and its times). tt arbeta med formen och dess möjliga utveckling är en klassisk sysselsättning för konstnären genom historien. Att använda ready-mades har konstnärer gjort i bara drygt hundra år – den ställer frågan : Vad är konst? Är vad som helst konst?

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